Senegal subsidiary

Key Figures

Production capacity
100000 t/year

A word from Christophe Berthévas

General Manager EV Senegal

After 20 years in the subsidiary "BIO3G", in January 2020 I moved into the position of Commercial Director of the Éléphant Vert Group. Then in March 2021, I took the position of General Manager in the subsidiary of Éléphant Vert Senegal. So I have been part of the group for 24 years.

My main motivation is to be a stakeholder in the agricultural developments we are experiencing in West Africa in a global context destabilized by the exceptional inflation of agricultural inputs.

The challenge is all the greater in Senegal, because inputs are based exclusively on imported chemical fertilizers, which neglect the contribution of organic matter in very poor soils. The consequence is a drop in food crop yields. We are therefore talking about a food issue in a growing population demography.

This problem develops the ambition of Éléphant Vert Senegal: not only to be a leader in the manufacture and distribution of bio-inputs such as organic fertilizers and soil improvers, but also a biological alternative to chemical plant protection products.

To achieve this, we work on the entire value chain: collection of raw materials, transportation, industrial transformation, farmer training, distribution and monitoring of results in the field. This entire chain is synonymous with job creation in the years to come. With the company’s men and women, we are going to win this amazing challenge on the lands of "Teranga".

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Industrial facilities

Historically in Dakar, we made the choice two years ago to locate our headquarters in Thiès in the center of the market gardening area called “Les Niayes”. Gaining proximity with our customers is very important to us. The head office integrates all the support functions and the management teams.

Located in Ross Bethio, EV Senegal’s industrial site is specialized in the production of organic amendments. Installed on a surface of 6 ha, it has a production capacity of 20,000 T/year. The products are essentially intended for the local market, being mindful of proximity and price accessibility.

Organization et governance

The EV Senegal team has been led by Christophe Berthevas for the past two years, whose goal is to focus efforts and consolidate expertise in the areas of training, trade and industry.

Its management committee is composed of three people. An industrial manager and an administrative and financial manager.

Our locations

EV Senegal
Filiale commerciale
EV Senegal
Site industriel engrais et amendements organiques
Commercial Branch of Matam
Antenne Commerciale
Commercial Branch of Louga
Antenne Commerciale
Commercial Branch of Tambacounda
Antenne Commerciale
Commercial Branch of Sedhiou
Antenne Commerciale
Commercial Branch of Kaoloack
Antenne Commerciale
Show countries
Site industriel Biostimulants
Filiale commerciale
EV Senegal
Quartier Mbour IV on the road to Mbour in front of La Pharmacie Mame Awa Ndiaye, Thies
Contact us
Site industriel engrais et amendements organiques
EV Senegal
Ross Bethio
Contact us
Antenne Commerciale
Commercial Branch of Matam
Antenne Commerciale
Commercial Branch of Louga
Antenne Commerciale
Commercial Branch of Tambacounda
Contact us
Antenne Commerciale
Commercial Branch of Sedhiou
Contact us
Antenne Commerciale
Commercial Branch of Kaoloack
Contact us

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Head office

Commercial subsidiary

R&D Laboratory

Biostimulant industrial site

Biocontrol industrial site

Industrial site of organic amendments and fertilizers

Commercial branch

Training center

Our Products

Key crops


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