Member since 2018 and also administrator of Agreen Tech Valley, the cluster that brings together players in the agricultural world around digital technologies, EV is sponsoring this year’s Xavier Beulin award for the most innovative farmer.
The prize will be awarded on November 17 and registration has just begun.
Shared values
AgreenTech Valley and EV share fundamental common values and pursue the same missions and approaches, including the development of quality sustainable agriculture, the agro-ecological transition, the field approach and innovation for the benefit of all farmers.
EV and AgreenTech Valley, two complementary players
AgreenTech Valley – the Digital Plant Valley – was created in Orléans, capital of the Centre Val de Loire region and a regional economic hub, on the initiative of nine founding members: Axereal, John Deere, Kuhn, Sofiproteol, Cybeletech, the University of Orléans, the Centre Val de Loire Chamber of Agriculture, the Centre Val de Loire region and Orléans Métropole.
Located in the richest region in terms of agricultural variety, with more than 95 local and national members, AgreenTech Valley brings together players across the entire value chain: producers, solution providers, academic partners, skill centers and training players, at the interface of the agricultural and digital worlds. Examples include Bayer Autry le Chatel, Novabiom, Green Lighthouse Development, Total Energie, 3ZA ENGINEERING, and also cooperative groups, regional credit unions, farms …
Today, it is identified as a reference actor on the subject of AgTech. Through its actions, it contributes to the digital, agro-ecological and energy transitions for a more efficient and sustainable agriculture.
EV, for its part, is pursuing and nurturing this same mission through the development of biosolutions (biostimulation and biocontrol in particular) and is asserting this same ambition to become a global reference in the development of sustainable agriculture.
The desire to be more than just a member
In addition to being a member of AgreenTech Valley for the past 4 years, this year EV is sponsoring the Xavier Beulin 2022 prize, as are Sofiprotéol, Atos, the Centre Val de Loire region, Orléans Métropole, Crédit Agricole…
Indeed, our approach of constant innovation in the field of biosolutions is in perfect resonance with the valorization of the innovation realized through this contest. It therefore seemed obvious to us to get involved in this action through a financial participation.
This competition, which is entering its 6th edition, aims to reward an innovative farmer who integrates digital technologies.
The types of possible projects :
– Pilot in the farm if it is an integral innovation
– More economical solution of a market offer
– Modification, improvement of an existing equipment
– Installation of sensors to optimize control
The process:
The edition has just begun. The deadline for submitting applications is October 15 and the prize will be awarded on November 17.
The endowment:
The winner will receive an endowment worth €5,000, a one-year membership in AgreenTech Valley, including personalized support, with the support of the innovation ecosystem of Orléans Val de Loire Technopole and LAB’O.